Sunday, June 17, 2012

High Seas Alliance renew demand for strong ocean outcome at Rio+20

Members of the High Seas Alliance and the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition attending the Rio+20 UN sustainable development conference in Brazil have issued a statement on the ‘ocean’ section of the new negotiating text issued by the Brazilian government.

“Brazil should be applauded for making ocean conservation one of the four priorities for this meeting and we commend its leadership in steering a challenging process.

“A new Treaty for High Seas protection will be a game changer for the future of our ocean and the millions dependent on it for their survival.

“Rio+20 is the moment to finally create effective protection for the high seas and stop its uncontrolled destruction.

“However the Obama Administration is currently blocking this critical measure.  We can only hope that Secretary of State Clinton will deliver the change needed to secure a potential win for our ocean here in Rio.

Many developing countries have been champions of sustainable fisheries to ensure food security and livelihoods. These issues will now be debated in the final days of this conference."

Photo courtesy of High Seas Alliance