Wednesday, March 20, 2013

TED Studies: Marine Biology - The Deep Ocean

Aquatic explorers take the TED stage to share what they’ve seen in the abyss of Earth’s last frontier: the deep ocean. Home to massive underwater mountains and valleys, giant smoking chimneys, and an amazing array of animals, these Talks provide clues about the origin of life on Earth. 

Relevant areas of interest, study and coursework include: Biological Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Ocean Engineering, Ecology, Sustainable Consumption, Resource Management, Cinematography, Genomics, and Evolution.

Each section of the instructor materials features a hand-picked TEDTalk accompanied by suggested questions, activities, related texts and multimedia. The summary essay and concluding activities will help you synthesize the content and apply what you’ve learned. Educators who are interested in creating their own questions and assignments for specific TEDTalks featured in The Deep Ocean are invited to explore TED-Ed.

TED-Ed is an education platform developed by TED that allows users to easily create a customized lesson around any educational video and distribute these lessons publicly or privately.

Teachers and students can use TED Studies: Marine Biology to enhance existing curricula in undergraduate education courses. Educators and students will find activities and multimedia resources which link the study of Marine Biology to the real world, plus expanded academic content such as key terms, related journal articles and major debates in this highly topical area.  For an abridged, interactive version of this content, subscribe to the TED Studies: Marine Biology course via the iTunesU course app for iPad by clicking here.

The Deep Ocean was originally published in March 2013.

Learning Outcomes 

TED’s The Deep Ocean will enable learners to:
 - Understand that the ocean provides goods and services for humankind and that it is critical in maintaining the Earth System for all life on the planet.
 - Appreciate the enormous diversity of life in the ocean, the incredible adaptations to what we consider as extreme environments and the lack of knowledge on large parts of the deep sea.
 - Identify and evaluate serious threats posed to the ocean, marine life and the goods and services they provide by unsustainable human activities, such as overexploitation of fisheries, pollution, and also global climate change.
- Learn about the technologies now available to explore, understand and monitor the ocean.
- Demonstrate that new approaches can be used to restore the health and conserve the largest habitat on Earth.

These new approaches include ecosystem-based management and marine protected areas, enabled by technology and also policy that reflects the importance of the ocean to humankind.

Source: Wiley & TED

Photo courtesy of foqus via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)